Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How Best to View My BLOG

In order to give some idea of the entire trip, the next seven entries provide you with an overall description of each phase of my trip and what I expect to see. I modify my itinerary by shorting my Rajasthan trip by a week and inserting trips to Amritsar, Sikh's holy city, and Aurangabad to see the Caves of Ajanta and Ellora.

As I travel, I plan to take pictures with my iPod Touch and posting them to this BLOG so that you can travel with me and see what I have have seen. Since most of my hotels will have wi-fi capability, I should be able to provide a pictorial diary of my travels. 

My new iPod touch is a smaller version of Apple's iPad. It can take pictures, attach to the Internet, allow me to download pictures to this BLOG, use email and SKYPE to communicate with my family and friends and amuse myself with "Angry Birds". Thank goodness for the Internet.....traveling in the "old days"  was so awkward...

I need to finish packing, check my meds, ensure that I have all of my travel documents and notify my banks and credit union that I will be traveling in India. The latter must be done so that your financial institutions know to honor the use of your credit and ATM cards when traveling overseas.
Best to all....Tom Worosz

PS: Please post some note letting me know that you are following this BLOG.

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