Saturday, February 18, 2012

March 16 - 18: Planned Punjab/Amritsar - Spiritual Center for the Sikh Religion

Located in the northwestern corner of India, the Punjab region is bordered by Pakistan on the west and the Himalaya mountains to the north. I will be visiting the city of Amritsar which is the religious center of the Sikh religion. Sikhism is a mixture of Hinduism and Islam faiths and emerged in the 15th century out of the rejection of India's caste system and desire to merge the best aspects of each faith.

I will have flown from Cochin --->Delhi---> Amritsar; a journey of 1,600 miles. The major sites and activities that I am planning are:
  •  Wagah Border Flag Ceremony - India and Pakistan military units in full regalia, perform a unique ceremony when they close theWagah border station for the evening. The ceremony is an" intricately choreographed high-kicking, toe-stepping, quick-marching ceremony wherein the Indian and Pakistani flags are lowered" (as described in Frommer's India)
  • The Golden Temple - Supposedly the most beautiful temple in all of India and home to the Sikh religion. The temple is unique in that visitors are encouraged to participate in the various religious ceremonies and accept the graciousness of the Sikhs. Visitors are encouraged to spend a minimum  four hours visiting the great expansiveness of the Temple.
  • Jullianwala Bagh - a site commemorating the 1919 massacre of hundreds of Sikhs by British troops.
  • Old City Bazaar.
I will be staying at the Grand Hotel located in the "old city". The Grand is conveniently located near the The Golden Temple and rail road station.

I will depart Amritsar at midnight on March 18 and travel by train (sleeper coach) to Delhi to begin my second Intrepid tour of India's Rajasthan area which begins on March 19.

Wagah Border Ceremony

Jullianwala Bagh Massacre

Old City Amritsar
Sikh's Golden Temple

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Tom. Remember, don't drink the water or you'll lose 35 lbs the hard way. B Torpey
