Sunday, February 19, 2012

April 9 - 10: Planned Mumbai Itinerary

I have made a train reservation for an overnight sleeper departing Aurangabad at 23:30 on April 8 and arriving Mumbai at 07:30 on April 9 using an excellent Internet service called Clear Trip. This arrangement allows me to have a full day in Aurangabad and arrive in the center of Mumbai early for a full day of sightseeing while avoiding travel to and from airports and the nightly expense of a hotel….a win-win.
I will be arriving at 7:30 AM at the Mumbai's centrally located railroad station, Chartrapati Shivaj Terminal (CST). My current plan is to stay at a hotel located near CST.....drop my travel bag at the hotel and take a 7 hour tour appropriately called "Mumbai Highlights". The tour finishes at 4 PM which gives me enough time to unpack, shower and get ready for "Mumbai by Night" which starts at 7 PM and finishes at 10 PM....I believe that I will be tired enough to get a good night sleep....zzzzzz.

April 9 will be my final day in India. I am uncertain on what I will do....walk the Colaba and Fort areas viewing the mix of British Colonial and Indian architecture....visit the Gateway of India and take a ferry to Elephanta Island and visit famous Hindu caves, have tea at the Taj Mahal hotel, visit a Bollywood movie set or take a "slum tour".

I will be leaving from downtown Mumbai for the international airport around 6 PM since the drive could take up to 3 hours.

My plane departs at 1 AM on April 10....I betcha that I will be glad to board the plane, reflect on my trip and most importantly...look forward to seeing my darling wife, Ann Marie, and my family. I fly from Mumbai ---> Zurick, Switzerland ----> Frankfurt, Germany ---> Washington Dulles airport.

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