Sunday, March 25, 2012

March 24: Madawa - 2nd Day

Madawa was a town that was on the "Silk Route" where caravans stopped to sell their wares of gold, gems, silks in exchange for spices, foods and marble mined in India. We walked the town starting with a visit to the local Hindu Temple and a 2 hour stroll through the town's narrow streets. What we saw are beautiful frescoes painted upon the exterior and interiors of the buildings....unique Indian and Islam architectures...the homes were owed by the wealthy Hindu merchants and are called "Haveli". The town's streets are narrow crowded by sacred cows, camel drawn carts, sleeping dogs and speeding motorcycles.. As I walked the streets, I let my mind wander to how it was 100s of years ago when the town serviced the needs of the "Silk Road". The sounds, smells, colors and excitement must have been overwhelming. Look at the faded details of days gone by.

Town's Hindu Temple

Pots and Pans
Donkey Power

Town-House Haveli

Apartments Overhanging Street-Like Italy

Four Columns Mark Water Well
Interior Frescoes

What It Must of Been Like...

Painting Over 200 Years Old

Exquisite Colors
Business Meeting Room

 Displeasure With Smoking Husband

Carrying Her Load


The heat is increasing since we are in the dry Rajasthan climate. It is very desert-like. I decide to relax, write my Blog and play ping-pong before the group heads off to dinner at the Fort Castle Hotel. For a small town, the dining and accommodation facilities are excellent. The Fort Castle was in fact a castle fort that has been converted into a beautiful hotel dining complex. First we climbed to the roof area to have drinks and view the sunset...disappointing due to the the dust filled air. I climbed a parapet to pose as the conquering "mughal". Dinner was a nice Indian buffet held in opulent surroundings.

Hotel Fort Castle


Drinks on the Veranda

King of All

Relaxing after a Tiring Day
Your Order Sir??

Hotel Courtyard

Good Food..Good Friends

Evening Entertainment

Fancy Dining Rooms

Too much activity...too much food........too late....tomorrow is a long day drive to Bikaner...our next destination as we travel a portion of the"silk road"....

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