Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 31: Udaipur Experience

We got to sleep late today before heading out to visit Udaipur's City Palace, one of the largest royal palaces in India, and check out its unbelievable treasures. The morning was cool with a slight breeze as we proceeded to walk one mile uphill to the Palace gate. Most activities are done before the noon hour which is the on-set of high temperatures with attendant humidity.

The Palace is quite large in terms of length and its construction is one of beauty rather than defense as we compared to Jaisalmer and Jodhpur Forts. Our group has a local guide who spends two (2) hours with us directing us through the Palace's maze of hallways and rooms. Since it is a Saturday, the visitor population is quite high which makes it more difficult in moving from one room to another. Below are pictures from our visit.

With our feet aching and temperatures rising, Kuldeep arranges a relaxing boat journey on Lake Pichola. There is a slight breeze which cools us down as we pass by the various hotels, forts and our own hotel during our 1/2 hour water journey. Views from the boat....

The afternoon is free time and each group goes off on its own exploring various parts of this beautiful city....some go to a cooking class....others shopping.....others walking the narrow streets to view city life....some just relaxing. I walk the streets and visit the large Hindu temple located on the hill opposite our hotel....stop for a lassi (yogurt shake) and a piece of apple-pie ala-mode.....they were delicious and refreshing. Having about two hours of free time and the temperature and heat becoming oppressively hot...I opt for an Internet cafe to work on my BLOG.

Washing Clothes
Shopper's Delight

Four Animal Heads in One - Carving
Hindu Temple on the Hill

Tonight we are in for a special treat. Udaipur is our guide's, Kuldeep, hometown and he has invited us to meet his family and have dinner. A little background on Kuldeep....he is of the Brahman caste....his father is a a government worker plus has the additional responsibility of being a Hindu priest at his own temple...his mother is a school teacher....brothers and sister have university degrees with specialties in information technology. This evening will be a special treat and we all are looking forward to meeting his family. Pip and Jodie took the time during their afternoon free-time to locate the best confectionery shop in town and purchased a couple of boxes of sweets for our group to give as a "thank you" gift for Kuldeep's family hospitality.

At 6 PM we met in the hotel lobby and walked a short distance to Kuldeep's family temple. Taking off our shoes, we entered the sacred portion of the temple to greet his family. Below are a few pictures of the temple and his family greeting our group.

Kuldeep Welcoming Us
Vishnu Icon

Receiving Hostesses

Future Generations

After a quiet moment of meditation and reflection in the Temple, we adjourned to the Temple's roof top to view the city and socialize with the family. Tables were set-up, table clothes spread and we, the guests, sat down to a fabulous home cooked meal. I ate and ate...especially loved every portion of the meal...from the spicy potato dish, cake, dahil, hot peppers and rice......the piece the resistance was the pudding-like desert.

Family Portrait

Kuldeep's Father

Chatting with Hosts

As the Sun Sets

Delicious Dinner
Proud Father

After dinner, we took the time to take additional pictures of the lighted Fort and buildings. I will post pictures from my Single Lens Reflex camera when I return Home!!!

Taj Lake Palace Hotel
Taj Lake Palace Hotel at Night

Sunset over Udaipur's Lake Pichola

City Palace at Night

Headed back to the hotel around 8 early evening. Some folks went to the roof-top for drinks and the view...I returned to my a bit and went to bed early. The moving day-to-day and the trip's pace have taken their toll...I need to rest-up before I prepare for my final seven days in India...Varanasi....Arangabad and Mumbai.

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