Friday, March 2, 2012

March 2 - Fort Cochin (9:00 AM - 3:00 PM)

Another busy half day. I learned that the starting point for my Intrepid trip is about 1 mile from downtown (so to speak) Fort Cochin. Since I had additional time, I hired another tuk-tuk driver. We toured other sites that I failed to visit yesterday...St. Peter and Paul Basilica....a Janin Temple to see the feeding of the pigeons....meandered through the city...relaxing and enjoyable. We stopped for lunch at the same vegetarian restaurant as yesterday...lunch cost more...$2.00 rather than $1.25.

Impressions so far:
  1. This will be an enjoyable trip is different from others I've visited and people are friendly.
  2. Drivers are more aggressive than those in SE Asia...riding in an auto-rickshaw is exciting!!
  3. Everyone is working...if you want a job you can get must work to survive.
  4. Prices are My tuk-tuk tours lasting about 4 - 5 hours cost the equivalent of $6.00 plus lunch.  Bottle of Pepsi - $0.40, A/C room $38 - 42/night, Dinner at a nice restaurant - $4.00
  5. India is building its infrastructure but has a long way to go to catch-up to China....China's infrastructure is beautiful and functional...India is building functional.
  6. State of Kerala - located in southern India. 55% Hindu, 28 % Muslim and 17% Christian (primarily Catholic). It has been said to me more than once...the people in Kerala live in harmony...there are no problems like you find in Mumbai or the north. We will see.
St Peter and Paul Basilica

Inside Basilica

Inside Jain Temple
Jain Temple - Exterior


EPA Would be Shocked

Dutch Cemetery - Consecrated 1724

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