Monday, March 5, 2012

March 5 - Ooty (continued)

The morning air was clear and refreshing. Frank and I took an early morning walk, hoping to find a nice bakery with pastries and some coffee/chai...unfortunately the town doesn't wake-up until 9 AM. What we did see were people cleaning the streets, children in uniforms heading off to school and merchants slowly opening their shops.

Silence is Golden
Facial Bleach Saloon

After breakfast, we headed off to visit a tea plantation. The drive took about an hour and Chandra began to explain the basics of the Hindu faith; a way of Indian life. We learned about Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, their wives and children.... a religion that has over 3 million gods/goddesses... reincarnation leading to a better life...etc.....we listened like small kids in a classroom.  The tea plantations are numerous and dot the hills surrounding Ooty. The tea fields are planted like Italy's grape vineyards on steep hillsides so that their is adequate drainage. Tea plants are actually tea trees that are manicured to remain as bushes...similar to maintaining a bonsai tree but bigger. Scattered among the tea field are white oak trees that absorb a significant amount of water during the wet season and releases it in the dry season. We learned about white, green and black tea...the differences, benefits, quality, and taste....Indian tea has most of its caffeine removed via the roasting process... Chinese tea uses tea which retains caffeine. After visiting the plant process, we had several samples in their tea tasting shop....chocolate, matase, orange pekoe, ginger ...aaaaha the varieties!!

Ladies Picking Tea Leaves
Tea Picker

Tea Tasting..Yuummm

Group Photo

Next we drove to the small town of Coonor located at the foot of the mountain/hill area. Chandra continued to explain the subtleties of the Hindu faith. It is very interesting when you hear about the conflicts between the various religions in India....not true so far. Various vehicles proudly display religious symbols of their faith...mosques, Hindu temples and Christian churches exist side by side. We took the "Toy Train" up the mountain, returning to Ooty.

"Toy Train"
Chandra - Our Leader

The rest of the afternoon was free time...I re-explored the market...visited various shops...had several cups of chai and enjoyed some chocolate treats.

Ooty Town Center
Vegetable Market

Tonight we had dinner at the fabulous the Fern Hill Palace. The Palace was built as a country club/officers' quarters for the British Army. Exquisitely built of teak wood, hand carved adornments, and decorated with hundreds of pictures of decades gone by. The food was sumptuous....the Palace was an outstanding finish for our 2 day stay in Ooty.

Palace's Main Entrance
Decorative Foyer

Ornate Fireplace in Main Room

Main Meeting Room

Main Dining Room
Hallway to Picture Galleries

3 Seater - Monica, Mary, Theresa
Dinner Photo

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