Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 11: Madurai

Board a train in Pondicherry and travel to the temple city of Madurai (approx 6 hrs). Crammed full of bazaars, pilgrims, cycle-rickshaws, beggars and street markets, Madurai showcases southern India at its colourful and lively best. Visit the Sri Meenakshi Temple, which lies at the heart of the city. This ancient, still active temple is a labyrinth of lamp-lit corridors which lead to shrines where some mysterious and interesting rituals are performed. Visit the moving Gandhi Memorial Museum, which displays the blood-stained dhoti he wore when he was assassinated, along with an impressive and detailed account of the country's struggle for independence. (Brochure)

Great day of travel and rest. Took a tuk- tuk  from hotel to the train station. We are traveling in a 2nd class A/C sleeper car but we are traveling during the day. There are bunks available for those wanting to take a short nap... vendors ply the aisle selling chai/coffee/Indian fast food...quite an enjoyable 6 hours of travel. 7 of us played a card game, easy to earn and had a winner/loser for each game. 

Keeping Warm

Franke's Hiding his Cards from Mary
We arrived in Madurai, a city of over 2 million people, around 4 PM and hauled our own luggage to the hotel which was about a 1/4 mile away...across busy streets with vehicles going every which way...quite exciting!! The Madurai Residency hotel was very nice and there were a number of westerners staying as quests. Dropped our luggage off and met our guide, Jackson, who is taking us to visit the Shree Meenakshi temple... the most beautiful Hindu temple in southern India and often compared to the Taj Mahal in the north . After a short walk through narrow back streets, we came upon this magnificent temple with multiple tall towers (over 120 ft +), each  covered with over 1,000 plus figures (gods, demons, animals, stories) painted in beautiful colors of different hues. The temple structures had a face-lift 2 years-ago so the colors were vibrant. Your neck strained to take in all of the temple features....we walked to each of the  Temple's four main edifices (north/south/eat/west) with the south structure supposedly the most exquisite. See below a sample of pictures of what I have inadequately described.

Jackson - Excellent Guide

Superb Carvings


Intricate Detail

East Gate

Looking at the Four Gates

Temple Guardians

Lakshmi - Vishnu's Wife

Temple Ceiling

Caretaker of 100 Column Room

Hindu Priest

Prayers to Hindu Gods

Fire Prayer Offerings

We spent abut four hours in the Temple complex....Jackson, our guide was great. As we moved about the complex, I met many people...a number asked to have their pictures taken with me. You see young men, with their heads shaved, willingly  agreeing to let us take their picture. An old man, in a uniform and a whistle, introducing shake pleasantries, take a photo....another enjoyable moment in travelling abroad.

Hindu Family

Shaved Heads with Hanna Coloring

One incident that sticks with me occurred as's dark...around 7 PM....our group is exiting the Temple via a courtyard...I see a smiling young boy about 8 years old with his family having a picnic dinner.....I say hello and his family asks if I would take a picture of the boy....I stop as our group continues on and I snap the photo and show them a photo of their cute son.. without a moment's hesitation, they ask me to join them for dinner...a total stranger who simply smiled at their child...I had to refuse since I didn't want to get separated from my group. All of the Indian people that I have met, without exception, have been gracious and forward in introducing themselves. What's your name? Where do you come from? Is this your 1st rip to India? How long will you be staying? I must be part Indian!!! My family will tell you that I act the same way when meeting others... inquisitive to a fault but loving what I have learned about and from others.

What a day....we head back to the hotel for dinner at the roof restaurant. The heat has dissipated...the air is cool and there is a breeze. 

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