Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March 13 - Tiger Preserve at Tekkady

We arise at 6:00 AM  to venture into the acclaimed Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary for a guided nature walk in the hope of glimpsing sambar, bison, elephant, spotted deer, tiger and leopard. The walk starts at 7 AM and is scheduled to last 3 hours....no food...only water and stamina....I'm getting a little too old for this!!!

Our 1st surprise is that we must use a bamboo raft to cross a small stream that originates on the adjacent lake/river....why couldn't they have built a small bridge. The last time I was on a bamboo raft was in Chang Mai, Thailand which brings back some fond memories.....skidding across the bamboo surface after we struck a rock. Note the calm manner exhibited by members of our group as we hope and pray that we do not take a morning swim with our camera equipment.

Crossing the Rubicon
The walk is interesting in many ways.....we experience what it is like to walk into a hot, humid, forest....see bison (water buffalo), elephant, numerous beautiful birds, wild mushrooms and an aromatic resin tree which is used in temple ceremonies. About 10:15 AM, I was happy to see our raft crossing....my stomach was growling,  my feet tired and I could eat a horse. A tuk-tuk ride back to the hotel Ambadi, breakfast and a shower fit the bill.

Wild Elephant
Bison (Water Buffalo)

Misty Valley

Edible Wild Mushroom

Resin Burning

Tiger Claw Marks Territory

At 12:30 PM, 7 of  us travel to have an Ayurvedic Massage....1 1/2 hours for 1,000 rupees. You sit on a stool, the masseuse pours warm oils over your head which proceeds to run down your naked body. Your head and shoulders are massaged for about 25 minutes....being perfectly relaxed, you then lay on your stomach to have your back-side rubbed with oil for another 25 minutes....flip-over and the front-side....get the picture...you are like an oily pig totally relaxed. Next you are placed in a steam box to be cooked to the right temperature.....finally you are rubbed down with towels to allow you to dress....you feel great. Sorry...no pictures!!!

I attend Mass, have dinner and go to bed early.

Tomorrow is our next to the last day of this wonderful adventure...a home stay in the Kerala Back water country.

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