Monday, March 19, 2012

March 18 - Last Day Amritsar..Travel to Delhi

Sunday was my day of rest. First, a nice American breakfast of eggs, toast and masala tea. My 1st class sleeper reservation had me wait-listed to Delhi. I spent another 2 hours at the railway station and finally learned that any change in my status would not occur until 3 hours before the train's scheduled departure time....approximately 6 PM.

I packed my backpack and vacated my room at noon and spent the remainder of the afternoon at the hotel's sports bar watching the India/Pakistan cricket match.....India won in an exciting thriller of a game.

I was checking my reservation via the Internet every hour and finally at 5:45 PM, I was confirmed for a 1st class sleeper to Delhi...yeaaa!! I had dinner with Marc, the Lufthansa pilot, and had a delicious goat shish-ka-bob. After dinner, I headed for the train station. I wanted to make sure that I could find my way in all of the chaos .....1,000 people converge on the station every hour to catch, on average, 4 trains an hour...much like our busy airport terminals.

My sleeper mates were 2 Sikh men and a woman. I had the privilege of getting an upper berth which I gingerly ascended, changed into my PJ's under the sheet, inserted my ear plugs, covered my eyes with my red-velvet mask and drifted off to dream problem.

The trip to Delhi was uneventful and I slept the entire way.

My new Intrepid group looks like it will work out well...2 Canadians from Nova Scotia, 7 Aussies and myself.

Goodnight....tomorrow, March 20 is Agra.Will post March 19 photos when I have time....Tom

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