Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March 27: Explore Jaisalmer

We meet our local guide, G2, and head-up the hill to explore the walled City Fort. There is much to say about this beautiful ancient city with its narrow streets and vibrant crowds...I will let my pictures convey what I have experienced...unfortunately the noise, sounds, pressing crowds, wandering cows, and smells cannot be conveyed...you will have to visit Jaisalmer to experience these.

Jaisalmer Fort from Afar
Approaching the Fort

 Fort's Main Entrance

Apartment Highrise

One of the Fort's main attractions is a beautiful Jain temple located on a small hill within the Fort's complex. The Jain Temple contains exquisite art in the form of unique carved figures, columns, walls and screens:

After leaving the Temple, we walk the streets and people watch....we see people working, children playing tea-party, a card game, a man with a five foot mustache a cow scratching his nose on the gear shift of a motorcycle....

After the 4 hour walk we visited a shop that sells patterned quilts/wall hangings made from old colorful wedding dresses, quilts, etc. I was a casual observer as my fellow travelers proceeded to increase the wealth of the local merchants.

Finally lunch at 2 PM...we all enjoyed the break before visiting a silver shop for some additional shopping. After a demonstration of making silver jewelry, we were escorted to an upper hall covered by two large mattresses. Out came the silver jewelry, 100s of pieces dumped onto mattresses as my fellow travelers, like kids in  a sand box, proceeded to rummage though the beautiful ornaments...yes a few did buy.

We return to the hotel at 5 PM, shower and leave for dinner at a roof-top restaurant located within the fort's walls...another long walk up hill. We hiked about a mile into the Fort's center where we enjoyed a magnificent view and probably one of the best meals we have had...vegetarian by the way. The old man pictured below played an Indian instrument and sang some lovely songs.

Back to the hotel...tomorrow is an easy day with free time until we leave for our desert camping and camel ride experience...good night...

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